In the Part 1, we have seen how quickly we can check the runnable task and I/O pending task on an SQL server instance. This is very light weight script and it will give the result even if the server is under pressure and will give an over all state of the server at that moment.
The next step (Step2) in my way of diagnosing is to check the session that are waiting of any resources. Below script will help us. This query required a function as prerequisite, which will help us to display the SQL server agent job name if the session started by SQL server agent.
CREATE FUNCTION ConvertStringToBinary ( @hexstring VARCHAR(100)
RETURN(SELECT CAST('' AS XML).value('xs:hexBinary( substring(sql:variable("@hexstring"), sql:column("t.pos")) )', 'varbinary(max)')
FROM (SELECT CASE SUBSTRING(@hexstring, 1, 2) WHEN '0x' THEN 3 ELSE 0 END) AS t(pos))
STEP 2: List the session which are currently waiting for resource
SELECT node.parent_node_id AS Node_id,
CASE WHEN es.program_name LIKE '%SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep%' THEN
SELECT 'SQL AGENT JOB: '+name FROM msdb..sysjobs WHERE job_id=
MASTER.DBO.ConvertStringToBinary (LTRIM(RTRIM((SUBSTRING(es.program_name,CHARINDEX('(job',es.program_name,0)+4,35)))))
ELSE es.program_name END AS [Program Name] ,
DB_NAME(er.database_id) AS DatabaseName,
wt.NoThread ,
er.total_elapsed_time AS ElapsedTime_ms,
er.percent_complete ,
er.logical_reads, AS ResoursePool ,
SUBSTRING (sqltxt.TEXT,(er.statement_start_offset/2) + 1,
((CASE WHEN er.statement_end_offset = -1
ELSE er.statement_end_offset
END - er.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) AS [Individual Query],
sqltxt.TEXT AS [Batch Query]
FROM (SELECT session_id, SUM(wait_duration_ms) AS
wait_duration_ms,wait_type,blocking_session_id,COUNT(*) AS NoThread
FROM SYS.DM_OS_WAITING_TASKS GROUP BY session_id, wait_type,blocking_session_id) wt
INNER JOIN SYS.DM_EXEC_REQUESTS er ON wt.session_id=er.session_id INNER JOIN SYS.DM_EXEC_SESSIONS es ON es.session_id= er.session_id
SYS.DM_OS_WORKERS OSW ON OS.scheduler_address=OSW.scheduler_address
WHERE os.status='VISIBLE ONLINE' GROUP BY os.parent_node_id ,task_address ) node
ON node.task_address=er.task_address
CROSS APPLY SYS.DM_EXEC_SQL_TEXT(er.sql_handle) AS sqltxt
The Description of the columns in the result are given below.
Column Name | Description |
Node Id | NUMA node id . Can be mapped to the node id of the scheduler query. |
Host_Name | Name of the computer from the connection is originated. |
Login Name | Login used in the session to connect the database server |
Program Name | Name of the program/application using this session. You can set the application name in the connection string. If this session is part of SQL server agent job, it will show the job name |
Database Name | Current database of the session |
Session Id | The session id |
Blocking Session id | Session id blocking statement |
wait_duration_ms | Total wait time for this wait type, in milliseconds. This time is inclusive of signal wait time |
wait_type | Name of the wait type like SLEEP_TASK,CXPACKET etc |
No of Thread | No of threads running on this session. If the session is in parallel execution |
Command | Identifies the current type of command that is being processed like Select,insert,update,delete etc |
Status | Status of the request. This can be of the following: Background,Running,Runnable,Sleeping and Suspended |
Wait Resource | Resource for which the request is currently waiting |
Open Transaction count | Number of transaction opened in this session |
Cpu Time | CPU time in milliseconds that is used by the request. |
Total Elapsed Time | Total time elapsed in milliseconds since the request arrived |
Percent_Complete | Percent of work completed for certain operations like backup,restore rollback etc. |
Reads | Number of reads performed by this request. |
Writes | Number of writes performed by this request. |
logical_reads | Number of logical reads performed by this request. |
ResoursePool | Name of of Resource Governor Pool |
Individual Query | current statement of the batch running on this session. |
Batch Query | Current batch (procedure/set of sql statement) running on this session. |
If there is a session with very long wait_duration_ms and not blocked by any other session and not going away from the list in the subsequent execution of the same query, I will look into the program name,host name,login name and the statement that is running which will give me an idea about the session.Based on all these information, I might decide to kill that session and look into the implementation of that SQL batch. If the session is blocked, I will look into the blocking session using a different script which I will share later.(Refer this post)
The next step (Step 3) is to list all session which are currently running on the server. I use below query to do that.
STEP 3: List the session which are currently waiting/running
****************************************************************************************/SELECT node.parent_node_id AS Node_id,
CASE WHEN es.program_name LIKE '%SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep%' THEN
(SELECT 'SQL AGENT JOB: '+name FROM msdb..sysjobs WHERE job_id=ADMIN.DBO.ConvertStringToBinary (LTRIM(RTRIM((SUBSTRING(es.program_name,CHARINDEX('(job',es.program_name,0)+4,35)))))
)ELSE es.program_name END AS program_name ,
DB_NAME(er.database_id) AS DatabaseName,
wt.NoThread ,
er.total_elapsed_time AS ElapsedTime_ms,
er.percent_complete ,
er.reads,er.writes,er.logical_reads, AS ResoursePool ,
SUBSTRING (sqltxt.TEXT,(er.statement_start_offset/2) + 1,
((CASE WHEN er.statement_end_offset = -1
ELSE er.statement_end_offset
END - er.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) AS [Individual Query],
sqltxt.TEXT AS [Batch Query]
SYS.DM_EXEC_REQUESTS er INNER JOIN SYS.DM_EXEC_SESSIONS es ON es.session_id= er.session_id
INNER JOIN (SELECT os.parent_node_id ,task_address FROM SYS.DM_OS_SCHEDULERS OS
INNER JOIN SYS.DM_OS_WORKERS OSW ON OS.scheduler_address=OSW.scheduler_address
WHERE os.status='VISIBLE ONLINE' GROUP BY os.parent_node_id ,task_address ) node ON node.task_address=er.task_address
(SELECT session_id, SUM(wait_duration_ms) AS
wait_duration_ms,wait_type,blocking_session_id,COUNT(*) AS NoThread
FROM SYS.DM_OS_WAITING_TASKS GROUP BY session_id, wait_type,blocking_session_id) wt
ON wt.session_id=er.session_id
CROSS apply SYS.DM_EXEC_SQL_TEXT(er.sql_handle) AS sqltxt
WHERE sql_handle IS NOT NULL AND ISNULL(wt.wait_type ,'') NOT IN
ORDER BY er.total_elapsed_time DESC
The columns are same as we discussed in step 2 . I used to analyse the sessions with more total_elapsed_time and take appropriate actions like killing the session and look into the implementation. In most of the scenario (where server was running perfectly but all off sudden it become standstill) , I will be able fix the issue by following these steps. In the next part let us discuss about blocking session and session with open transaction which is not active.If you liked this post, do like my page on FaceBook
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